adaptation after Michael Ende, #northerntheater , 2022
Director: Diana Dragoș
Scenography: Anda Pop
Animations: Maria Brudașcă
Original music: danaga
Light design: Lucian Moga & Alexandru Dancu
Translation: Yvette Davidescu
Assistant director: Cosmin Adrian
„Momo” is about self-discovery through the story. Led by the constellation Cassiopeia towards “Never” Street, the little girl, Momo, discovers the source of time in the “Nowhere” house, at Master Hora’s house, and understands that time is not linear but cyclical, and that realities take place simultaneously. Every person has access and can live an inner time that opens a lot of reflections in stories. We go through a series of crises in which the shows seem almost arrogant, and appear and disappear from the stage at a stroke of the eyelashes. „ Momo ”is a tribute to theater and stories, with the belief that they will continue, in whatever form it takes, to drive away our fear of death.
Momo – Roxana Fânață
Gigi/Young Hora – Andrei Gîjulete
Beppo/Old Hora – Ciprian Vultur
The men in Grey – Cătălin Mares
Casiopeea – Crina Andriucă
Nino – Tibor Székely
Liliana – Anette Marka
Fussi – Bianco Erdei
Nicola – Cristian But
Special thanks: Lucia Maria Racșan
The show imagines a world in which the theater exists only as a playground for a group of children, interrupted by some increasingly present ghostly appearances, which propose a model of time efficiency and giving up stories and play.