adaptation after “The strange story of a piano” by Mirel Talos #devaarttheater, 2021
“The pianists’ duel” by Mirel Taloș, is a show about creators and demons, love and hate, sacrifice and self-destruction, talent and arrogance, morality and immorality. A show about the artist’s inner struggle with his own conscience.
A show about us, the artists, who grind our souls in time for the world to become better, more beautiful ” (Sandu Grecu, director)
Sergiu Cornelius, Silviu Dobre, Eugen Pădureanu, Anette Marka, Ioana Cojocărescu, Diana Rotaru, Mihai Feier, Aurelian Gheorghe;
Dancer: Ramona Băloiu;
Coregraphy-Mihai Feier